About the Award
The Robert and Teresa Hawley Scholar Award for academic excellence will be given to the student with the highest overall undergraduate GPA in the Fall 2025 GCATS-MATS entering class.
The award is funded by licensing royalties received for the MSCV (murine stem cell virus) retroviral vectors1-3 that the Hawleys developed.
1. Hawley, R.G., Lieu, F.H.L., Fong, A.Z.C., and Hawley, T.S. Versatile retroviral vectors for potential use in gene therapy. Gene Ther. 1: 136-138, 1994. PMID: 7584069
2. Hawley, R.G., Fong, A.Z.C., Burns, B.F., and Hawley, T.S. Transplantable myeloproliferative disease induced in mice by an interleukin-6 retrovirus. J. Exp. Med. 176: 1149-1163, 1992. PMID: 1402659
3. Hawley, T.S., Telford, W.G., and Hawley, R.G. “Rainbow” reporters for multispectral marking and lineage analysis of hematopoietic stem cells. Stem Cells 19: 118-124, 2001. PMID: 11239166
Dr. Robert Hawley has been the Director of GCATS and MATS since July 2019. These programs were educational initiatives of his when he was Chair of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology from July 2007 to July 2016.
Ms. Teresa Hawley was the founding Director of the GW Flow Cytometry Core Facility, serving in this capacity from July 2004 to October 2015. Since then, she has held various positions at the National Institutes of Health, and is currently a staff member in the Protein and Chemistry Section of the Research Technologies Branch at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.